Posts Tagged: "retirement"

Customized Word Art Canvas | Retirement Gift

- - Business, Retirement

Congratulations! Enjoy Retirement! Happy Retiree! Words of celebration but it’s the same old words and cliche. It’s so much more meaningful to say words that personalize the retiree’s working life!


Custom Word Art Canvas

My co-worker and friend, John, retired this year. He’s a wonderful leader, well respected, and possesses an incredibly funny deadpan and dry sense of humor that we all love!

For his retirement gift, I searched Pinterest for ideas and put together some words and phrases that describe his years and accomplishments with our agency. I also included a few of his personal sayings that he is known for around the office.

The words were placed on a wrapped canvas and presented to John at an all-agency meeting.

This style of canvas art is sometimes referred to as personalized or customized word art, subway sign, or typography art.

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Say Aloha to World’s Easiest Money Lei


Did you know that leis are commonly presented when someone is arriving or leaving? The garland of flowers is a common symbol of love, friendship, celebration, honor or greeting.

easiest-money-lei-tutorial-giftThat’s why money leis are perfect for graduation, going away parties and retirement parties. They’re pretty like flowers, but they have spending power!

They make for a unique and memorable gift that the gift recipient can wear on their special day.

There are many money lei tutorials out there, but this one is the world’s easiest money lei. It requires very little folding and assembling and still looks great!

The one I made using a standard Mardi Gras necklace only requires 14 money leis. Most other money lei tutorials require you to fold and attach 40-60 money flowers.


Items you will need:

  • cash (use crisp bills; iron if necessary)
  • beaded necklace
  • small rubber bands
  • ribbon (cut into 8 inch strips) (regular or curling ribbon)
  • glue dots or double-sided tape

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Retirement Gifts with a Twist

- - Retirement

Retirement is the next frontier for Baby Boomers! Did you know the Baby Boomer generation will be turning 65 at a rate of 8,000 per day? That’s a lot of retirement gifts to think about!


Create a joyful card for Retirement!

Rocking chair gifts are out. Let’s get more creative than that.

Many Baby Boomers retire only to become bored and return to work part-time. Others start new businesses while some take trips and enjoy their hobbies of art, golf, fishing, or penning a novel.


A retirement gift related to their hobby is perfect.


Pair a flashlight with this card for a Play on Words gift idea.

If they like to paint, purchase several different size canvases with the message to “Paint Your Art Out.”

Golf balls are certainly prized gifts. Personalize them with the word “RETIRED!” Continue Reading

Get on Your Mark, Get Set, Go… Into Retirement

My friend and co-worker, Bruce, gave notice that he would soon be retiring. He was beloved by all of his co-workers, and we decided to throw him a retirement party.


Bruce’s retirement card and his new pair of tennis shoes

We visited on a regular basis when he came to my office looking for the newspaper during the lunch hour. Bruce mentioned one time that the very next day after he retired, he and his wife were leaving for vacation to Branson, Missouri.

He said they love going to Branson not so much for the entertainment but for the beauty of the area.They have a favorite hiking trail where they bring food and stop along the way to eat and take in the breathtaking landscape and blue skies. Continue Reading

Hand Prints on Canvas Best Friends Gift Idea

I am blessed to have life long friends. It’s a trait I copied from my mom. She attended the Oklahoma School for the Deaf and stayed in contact with many of her friends throughout her lifetime. While growing up, I watched her write and receive mail from her friends from all across America.

Hand Prints on Canvas Best Friends Gift IdeaI moved to Oklahoma from Texas on my 12th birthday. Mother enrolled us in school and instructed us to “go and make lots of best friends.” We did and she encouraged us to stay in contact with our old friends in Texas. I am forever grateful for her wisdom in keeping and making new friends. You can never have too many!

Nancy is my Oldest BFF (Best Friend Forever)! We met in second grade and have known each other for 54 years. WOW! That’s a long time. We have been exchanging birthday gifts for most of those years.

This year, I came up with the idea to have our hand prints together on a canvas. One problem – I live in Oklahoma and she lives in Texas. Continue Reading