Posts Tagged: "Arkansas"

Send Valentine’s Day Cards Postmarked From Valentine, TX

Looking for a thoughtful twist to sending a Valentine’s Day card? Have it postmarked from a town with a name associated with Valentine’s Day.

valentines-day-postmark-stamp-thoughtful-gift-ideaLike Valentine, Texas, Romance, Arkansas  or Loveland, Colorado.

I called the postmaster in Valentine, Texas, and he explained the process.

All you have to do is send your card addressed and stamped inside a larger envelope addressed to the Postmaster Remailing Program of the town from which you want it mailed.

He also said the elementary school in Valentine has a contest every year for the students to come up with a cancellation stamp for the post office to use on all Valentine’s Day cards.

Interesting Fact: Valentine, Texas’s population is 134, and the post office’s one employee hand stamps 7,000 to 10,000 cards. WOW!

I’m sending a box of chocolates as a thank you for stamping my cards. Continue Reading