Posts Tagged: "deck"

Affirmators! | Funny, Uplifting Affirmation Cards

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I call BS! That sentence is one of the biggest lies told to children.

Negative words can tear someone apart, especially if they’re in the form of negative self-talk. We’ve all been guilty of that.


Affirmations Boost Self-Esteem & Well-Being

On the flip side, positive words and uplifting messages can boost a person’s self-esteem and and well-being.

Positive affirmations are powerful statements that are spoken aloud in order to encourage and uplift the person speaking them.

They can inspire people to overcome the negative thoughts holding them back so they feel empowered to make positive changes in their lives.

Affirmation cards are a deck of cards containing positive affirmations. They’re small but powerful, and they make for a thoughtful gift.

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