Posts Tagged: "give"

50+ Creative Ways to Give Cash Money as Gifts

- - Money


No video like it existed so we decided to create one as a resource for thoughtful gift givers like you!

It’s a fast-paced compilation video containing 50+ creative ways to give cash money as a gift.

As many requests as we get for fun and unique ways to give cash for different occasions, we knew people would benefit from getting a ton of gift ideas in a few short minutes. You’ll never run out of gift ideas again!

Our money gift ideas can be used for kids, adults, boys, girls, and for all gift occasions from Valentine’s Day to Christmas. You’ll have to see it to believe it!

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25 Ways to Pay It Forward| Random Acts of Kindness

The idea behind “pay it forward” is that everyone can make a difference in the life of someone else. When you pay it forward, you make an effort to positively impact a person’s life through a random act of kindness and love.

laundry detergent in laundromat

Leave a container of laundry detergent at a laundromat with a note saying, “Feel free to use!”

Last week, I wrote about my friend Erin who wanted to inspire 34 pay it forward random acts of kindness in celebration of her 34th birthday. In case you were inspired to do the same thing, I thought I’d share with you some ideas of what you could do.

  • Buy a movie ticket for the person behind you in line
  • Send a card to someone in the military overseas
  • Put something you no longer need on for free
  • Tape a bag of microwaveable popcorn to a Redbox machine with a note saying “Enjoy some popcorn with your movie!”
  • Drop off a toy or game at a children’s hospital
  • Buy a lottery ticket and give it to a stranger
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