Posts Tagged: "life lesson"

Memorable Lesson in the Power of Compound Interest

- - Kids, Money

This gift is less about the money, but leaving children with a money lesson that will stick with them the rest of their life.

memorable-lesson-compound-interest-kidsWhen someone begins to understand the full power of compound interest and how it causes his or her savings to grow quickly over time, it motivates that individual to save money early and regularly.

I tell my kids, “The bank pays you money for letting it hold your money. The longer the bank holds your money for you, the more free money you get!”

Kids may not grasp the concept of saving for retirement, but even my five-year old gets excited about saving his money towards a future car for when he’s old enough to drive.

I’ve been wanting to teach my son about compound interest, but it still seemed too complicated until I came across an article from my favorite website

I’ve taken it’s lesson on the power of compound interest and created a simple step-by-step guide for parents and caregivers.

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A Heartfelt Thank You Letter to My 5th Grade Mentor

Completely by chance, I found out a friend from high school worked with my 5th grade mentor, Mr. Brownlee.

heartfelt-thank-you-letter-mentor-thoughtful-giftI haven’t seen or talked to Mr. Brownlee in more than 20 years, but I’ve thought about him many times since then. Through him, I learned an important life lesson that always stuck with me.

Let me first explain how I got to know Mr. Brownlee. A few students from each of the 5th grade classes at my elementary were selected to be a part of a leadership group that everyone simply called “Mr. Brownlee’s Group.”

Each month, we met Mr. Brownlee in our school library to talk about a wide variety of different topics. He always brought a special guest so we could learn from people from all walks of life.

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Passing on Important Life Lessons & Values

- - $20 or Less, Catch All, Family, Kids


Return with Honor – The Purpose of Life – To Make a Difference!

A powerful quote to live by and an important life lesson to teach children and grandchildren.

The Lillard boys – Joe, Sam and Luke are amazing kids! They are five, seven and 11 years old. Their grandfather, Dick, is the Chairman of where I work. Not only is he my boss, he and his family have become my precious friends.

Return-with-Honor-Plaque-gift-idea-sunburst-giftsThis year was the first time all three boys traveled on a business trip together with grandparents and parents to Washington, D.C. to meet with Oklahoma’s congressional delegation.

We scheduled all day meetings and the boys were troopers going from building to building, meeting to meeting and sometimes waiting long periods of time. They were respectful when they met with congressional staff and the congressmen were extremely impressed! They looked so handsome in their suits!

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