Posts Tagged: "nursing home"

Address Stamps Make Great Housewarming & Wedding Gifts

Buying or moving into a new home is always a big deal in a person’s life, whether it’s their first home right after getting married or their 10th home after moving around a bit.

custom-address-stamp-housewarming-wedding-thoughtful-giftIf you know they’ll be in their new home for a while, address stamps make a great housewarming gift or wedding gift. It’s a fun way to celebrate someone’s new permanent address.


You can personalize the design to fit the gift recipient’s style and interests. Deciding what design to choose is the hard part! Address stamps can be ordered in many different colors and in the shape of rectangles, squares and circles. And of course there are a million fonts available, from block letters to cursive.

You can also add monograms or symbols to address stamps. For animal lovers, you might add a cat, dog or paw print. For newlyweds, you might add a heart.


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Will You Be My Valentine?

- - Valentine's Day

Remember when we were kids making Valentine boxes with the slit in the top for the upcoming class party and placing your Valentines in everyone’s boxes? I couldn’t wait to get home to look at every single one and see who had given me a Valentine. Very sweet memories.

It was Valentine’s Day when I visited my friend, Orean, who lived in an assisted living center. I brought her a heart shaped box of chocolates. I also brought her other Valentines I had made to share with her friends.Will You Be My Valentine Gift Idea

Orean said, “It has been a very long time since I handed out Valentines.”

After Orean read the Valentine attached to the heart shaped lollipops, she couldn’t wait to hand them out. She was on a mission as I watched her walk the halls into the dining room handing them out along the way and asking, “Will you be my Valentine?” Continue Reading