Posts Tagged: "gift exchange"

Regift Swap Party

- - Christmas

The holidays gift giving season is fast approaching! Are you ready?

regift-swap-party-exchangeHave you started working on your gift list?

Have you purged your home to make room for the new items you and your family will undoubtedly receive?

Let me suggest something that addresses the two questions above, and now is the perfect time to start planning for it. It’s a fun time with friends that’s also friendly on your wallet!

Host a Regift Swap Party by inviting friends over to trade BRAND-NEW items–nice things that could be given as gifts.

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In Case You Get Crap for Christmas | Money Gift

- - Christmas, Money

‘Tis the season to be jolly… unless you get crap for Christmas.

crap-for-christmas-money-gift-hilariousI know of a thoughtful way to save someone from such a tragedy while turning their frown upside down.

It’s a creative and hilarious money gift called “In Case You Get Crap for Christmas.”

It makes people laugh, and it involves hiding cash inside a roll of toilet paper!


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Christmas Gift Giving Passing Game

- - Christmas, Experiences, Kids

I have four nieces and I almost always give them some sort of experience as part of their Christmas present. So I thought it would be fun to have them play a Christmas gift giving game.

I bought four presents that cost about the same price and that all of them would like no matter which one they received. I wrapped them up but didn’t put names on any of them.

Christmas gift giving game Dirty Santa White Elephant Gift Exchange

My nieces sit in a circle and prepare to pass their gifts left and right while I read them the story about the Wright family.

I gathered my nieces together, gave each one a present, and asked them to sit in a circle. I told them the rules of the game. Every time they heard the word “left” to pass their present to the left and every time they heard the words “right” or “Wright” to pass their present to the right. I told them to listen closely because the story gets awfully crazy!

Then I began to read out loud the following story. To make it even more fun, I read it quickly!

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