Posts Tagged: "married"

Lovebirds, A Pair of Lovers | Wedding Gift Idea

My high school friend Becky found true love and will soon get married. Only this time, her grandchildren are going to be there. So what do you get a couple who has lived a life time already and has every thing?

lovebirds-wedding-thoughtful-gift-ideaI spotted a picture of lovebirds when shopping in a craft store. Immediately, Becky and her soon-to-be husband came to mind. Her stories of him and how much they love each other sounded just like a couple of lovebirds.

Bill works as a truck driver and every time he returns home, he always brings one, two, three or more flower bouquets for her. He has brought her flowers every week for three years!

Now, he knows what romance is all about. Sounds like a keeper to me! No wonder she is head-over-heels crazy in love.

I purchased the picture of love birds and for that “thoughtful twist” explained the special meaning behind why I chose it. After researching the definition of lovebird and finding some interesting facts, I typed the following information, and taped it to the back of the picture. Continue Reading

POP the Question Wedding Proposal Idea

Survey says….six million people are planning or expecting a marriage proposal for Valentine’s Day. Ohhh…..the pressure of how to propose? Ask the love of your life to marry you in grandiose style? Or just pop the question?!

Pop-the-Question-Wedding-Proposal-Gift-Idea-Sunburst-GiftsEvery girl has the “dream” of how the proposal will happen and it is never what we expect when it does. My husband, Randy, and I had many talks about getting married one day. We even looked at rings at the mall jewelry stores where I showed him my favorite.

But we were broke! Randy had one more year of college. I was graduating high school and planning to attend the same college. So I was not expecting a ring any time soon.

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