Posts Tagged: "produce"

Bluapple Keeps Produce Fresher 3X Longer

Wish I could have saved all the money wasted on throwing out my fruits and vegetables that went bad before I could eat them. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about.

bluapple-keeps-fruits-and-vegetables-fresh-thoughtful-gift-ideaBluapple is here to “save the day” or should I say “weeks” of extending the life of your produce.

This amazing product absorbs ethylene gas that causes produce to over ripen.

I remember hearing something about ethylene gas in my high school science class. I probably thought it was something I would never need to know. Was I wrong!

The Bluapple is easy peasy to use. Just place the golf ball size Blueapple in your Crisper to keep your fruits and vegetables fresher three times longer!

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