Instant Photobooks Delivered Monthly | Groovebook


Click. Click. Click. With the camera on our smartphones, we can quickly capture any moment with ease. Many of of us have hundreds of photos stored in our phones.

instant-photobooks-groovebook2-sunburst-giftsBesides the ones you’ve shared on social media, most of the photos you’ve taken on your phone have probably never been seen by another human being. That’s too bad!

You also probably don’t get many of them printed either. Heck no! That would be waaaay too expensive!

Or is it?

What if I told you that you could print 100 photos from your phone each month and have it shipped to you in a keepsake photobook for just $2.99? That’s the total price. No tax. No shipping and handling.

All a person needs to do is to download the free smartphone app Groovebook, select the photos they want printed, and click “Upload.” Easy peasy!

Fun fact – the company appeared on an episode of Shark Tank.

instant-photobooks-groovebook2-sunburst-giftsThe dimensions of the prints measure 4.5″ x 6.5″ and each photo comes perforated for easy removal so a person can share the copies with family and friends.

If a person wants to order a duplicate of an entire photobook to give to someone, it’s also just $2.99 and Groovebook will mail it to that person directly.

This makes a great gift for yourself or for a baby shower, a birthday or Christmas. You can give the gift of a Groovebook subscription for an entire year for only $35. That comes out to 12 books and 1,200 photos you’re giving someone. (Email to make the purchase.)

If you want to try Groovebook yourself and receive a free photobook, use the code MCGUIRE623.

Time will never stand still and those moments that bring us such joy become memories in an instant. To capture such a moment and record it forever is truly monumental.  – Joshua Atticks

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