T-Shirt of the Month Subscription

If your son, dad, brother, boyfriend or husband practically lives in t-shirts, this gift is perfect!

t-shirt-month-subscription-gift-for-himHe’ll receive a new t-shirt with a cool design directly in the mail each month. It just appears. No shopping necessary by him or you, and he’ll love getting to open a new gift each month!

I bought my husband a t-shirt of the month subscription from www.OklahomaShirtCompany.com because they focus specifically on Oklahoma themed designs and they use soft, quality t-shirts. You can see the past designs from each month on their website, and they all look so fun and fresh!

Lots of Choices

Many sports teams have started t-shirt subscription clubs. You can even find dive bar t-shirt of the month clubs. Not your thing? What about geek and gamer t-shirts?

Know someone who would be interested in Bible verses t-shirt of the month club? Google “t-shirt of the month subscriptions” to browse all of the clubs that exist.


Most of the t-shirt of the month subscriptions range between $10 and $25 each month. If you don’t want to receive a t-shirt every month, some t-shirt companies will allow you to subscribe to their t-shirts bi-monthly or quarterly .

T-shirt of the month subscriptions can also be given as gifts for women (fitted tees!) and children.

Everyone receiving this gift will love opening a new gift each month… meaning they’ll be thinking of you month after month even after Christmas or their birthday has passed.

A big thank you to the person who invented women’s fitted tees.

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