Posts Tagged: "customized"

Customized Word Art Canvas | Retirement Gift

- - Business, Retirement

Congratulations! Enjoy Retirement! Happy Retiree! Words of celebration but it’s the same old words and cliche. It’s so much more meaningful to say words that personalize the retiree’s working life!


Custom Word Art Canvas

My co-worker and friend, John, retired this year. He’s a wonderful leader, well respected, and possesses an incredibly funny deadpan and dry sense of humor that we all love!

For his retirement gift, I searched Pinterest for ideas and put together some words and phrases that describe his years and accomplishments with our agency. I also included a few of his personal sayings that he is known for around the office.

The words were placed on a wrapped canvas and presented to John at an all-agency meeting.

This style of canvas art is sometimes referred to as personalized or customized word art, subway sign, or typography art.

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For the Home Brewer – Personalized Beer Bottle Caps

My father-in-law Greg began brewing homemade beer a few years ago – and man! – has our family enjoyed the benefits! While he’s brewed all sorts of kits, types and flavors, my favorite is still the batch of peach ale he specially made for my wedding rehearsal dinner.

home brewer personalized beer bottle caps gift ideaLast year, my husband Kevin started brewing beer with his father. It gave them a fun way to spend father-son quality time together. They have fun making it together. They have fun drinking it together.

They also enjoy brewing different types of beer and sharing the fruits of their labor with friends and family. Each batch yields about 50 bottles so there is plenty to share!

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