Posts Tagged: "keepsakes"

Framed Sentimental Keepsakes

Ever wonder what to do with keepsakes?

framed-granddaddys-personal-items-thoughtful-gift-ideaMy mother was extremely creative. She was also very sentimental and rarely threw anything away. One of my favorite keepsakes she framed were my grandfather’s personal items like his old straight blade razor, shaving brush, hair clippers and coin purse.

Yes, coin purse. He didn’t like having loose change in the pockets of his overalls.

I have fond memories hearing the “ding ding” of the ice cream truck coming down the street. When I asked him for money, he would pull out his coin purse while my brothers chased the ice cream man to stop. We were a great team to pull that feat off no matter where we were in the neighborhood.

My grandfather always had the biggest smile after seeing the three of us walk up to his front porch with our favorite ice cream in hand.

When loved ones pass away, it’s nice to have something of theirs to help keep the memories alive.

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Manly Memento Box | Birthday Gift for Boy

My nephew is turning 11 years old, and I wanted to give him a memento box to keep his priceless treasures. I know kids really like anything electronic these days, but hear me out on this one.


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Guys have tool boxes, tackle boxes for fishing gear, and even leather boxes for their watches and jewelry. Guys have boxes for their stuff! Women, on the other hand, have purses, jewelry boxes, and hope chests for their stuff.

Never thought about it that way have you?

I started giving “manly” boxes to birthday boys in their preteens for their keepsake items. I tell them it’s a treasure chest to keep their cool stuff inside. Continue Reading