Posts Tagged: "learning"

Jumbo Magnifying Glasses for PreK+

- - Birthday, Christmas, Kids

Little ones are so inquisitive and love to explore. “What’s that?” is a question parents and grandparents hear all the time. Let children satisfy their own curiosity with magnifying glasses.

jumbo-magnifiers-thoughtful-gift-ideaMagnifying glasses allow kids to see clearly in great detail butterflies, bugs, flowers, leaves, blades of grass, sea shells, rocks and a whole lot more. They will see the world around them like never before!

Pretty much everything under a magnifying glass is much more fascinating don’t you think?

It’s pure wonderment the first time a child sees an object through a magnifying glass. Just watch them place the magnifier over the object and then move it away, over and over again. They will be in awe and probably ask you, “How does that happen?” so be ready with your answer. Continue Reading

Thoughtful Teacher Gifts

When my kids were in grade school, we baked cookies or made fudge for their teachers as Christmas or end-of-the-year gifts. My boys enjoyed showing off their cooking skills by presenting their goodies as teacher’s gifts.

teacher's-gift-box-appreciation-note-gift-idea-sunburstgiftsAs they got older, they wanted to buy their teachers specific gifts. One year my youngest son wanted to buy his teacher a motorcycle. He was not happy when I had to convinced him to purchase a “lame” gift like a book from the best seller’s list.

Over the years, we would buy decorative picture frames, pretty writing pens, stationery note cards with their teacher’s initials and fresh flowers.

I will admit it was a little more challenging to buy for the male teachers. Coffee mugs, gift cards to Starbucks or key chains with initials seemed to work well.

Over the years, I’ve been asked by friends and family to help with thoughtful teacher gifts. Here’s what I’ve suggested: