Posts Tagged: "letter"

Handwritten WWII Letter Screen Transferred on T-Shirts

My husband found a handwritten letter from his dad dated May 5, 1943 from when he served in the Army during WWII . The letter was written to his parents and sister describing his day and how he missed his wife, Betty.


An old handwritten letter my husband’s father wrote by having parts of the letter screen printed on t-shirts.

Randy’s father had beautiful handwriting, and I thought the letter should be shared with his brother, Kyle, and sister, Lesa. But how? Copies seemed so blase’. Then the idea of having the handwritten WWII letter transferred onto t-shirts came to mind.

I found a local t-shirt screen printing business and selected different sections from the letter to create three different shirts. Each shirt also featured the postmark showing the date of the letter and their dad’s signature, Sgt. Eugene Drew. Continue Reading

A Heartfelt Thank You Letter to My 5th Grade Mentor

Completely by chance, I found out a friend from high school worked with my 5th grade mentor, Mr. Brownlee.

heartfelt-thank-you-letter-mentor-thoughtful-giftI haven’t seen or talked to Mr. Brownlee in more than 20 years, but I’ve thought about him many times since then. Through him, I learned an important life lesson that always stuck with me.

Let me first explain how I got to know Mr. Brownlee. A few students from each of the 5th grade classes at my elementary were selected to be a part of a leadership group that everyone simply called “Mr. Brownlee’s Group.”

Each month, we met Mr. Brownlee in our school library to talk about a wide variety of different topics. He always brought a special guest so we could learn from people from all walks of life.

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A Written Letter to Your Child on Test Day

- - Kids

Fear. Anxiety. Stress. Pressure. Worry. Children feel some or all of these emotions on test day. These “yucky” feelings can also have a negative impact on their performance. Parents, you can do something about this.

letter from parent to child on test day

Click to enlarge

By writing a letter to your child on test day, you can replace these emotions with confidence and positive thoughts. The letter can tell them how much you love them, believe in them and are proud of them.

When your child reads your letter, they will go into the test with a positive mindset that will encourage them to try their hardest and prepare them to succeed. In essence, you’re giving your child the invaluable gift of self-esteem!

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Tell Someone the Things You Admire About Them

- - Business, Experiences

My mentor called me one day and said, “You’re in trouble.”

I knew he was joking, but I was still a little nervous. What could this be about?

He said, “Diana, sometimes in life we don’t always get feedback on how we’re doing as a boss, as an employee, as a friend, as a spouse or as a parent.”


Telling someone that you admire them is one of the most thoughtful acts of kindness.

“Just in case I get hit by a bus tomorrow, I wanted to make sure the people whom I admire know how I feel about them.”

He went on to share very specific qualities of mine that he admired: educated, good attitude, plays well in the sandbox with others, good communicator, good mother and wife, good work/life balance, and head screwed on tight.

As he told me these things, I sat there in a positive state of shock, and I felt a tear collect in the corner of my eye.

Hearing someone tell me all of the things I was doing right gave me that same magical feeling of opening presents on Christmas morning, except this time each kind word my mentor spoke to me became its own present.

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7 Alternatives to Store Bought Christmas Presents for Children

- - Christmas, Kids

alternatives-store-bought-christmas-presents-childrenChildren will naturally beg for the toys, games, electronics, and clothes they see advertised and sold in stores.

But parents and family members wishing to give more creative and unique Christmas presents will enjoy selecting from these alternatives to store-bought gifts.


Pass on your favorite childhood books and stories to the next generation by recording yourself reading one of them out loud. Give a copy of the book and your recording as a gift. This gift idea can become an annual gift giving tradition.

The Velveteen Rabbit book and a stuffed bunny


The money box makes giving and receiving cash fun. Add a festive touch by decorating the box in Christmas wrapping paper.

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A Letter to Your Child | Christmas Tradition

- - Birthday, Christmas

I started a new Christmas tradition in my family by writing a letter to my child.

Life moves at lightning speed, and each year I want to take the time to stop, reflect and remember all of my child’s happy moments full of fun, love and laughter by writing about them in a letter.


This Christmas gift idea will be cherished far more than any wrapped present under the tree.

I must admit, the whole process intimidated me at first.

How am I supposed to cram a whole year’s worth of stuff into a single letter? I don’t have time to write pages and pages! What should I focus on if I can’t write about everything?

I stopped freaking out when I thought – KISS. Keep It Super Simple.

Focus on the cake and worry about the frosting and sprinkles later. If all I end up with is cake, it will still be awesome and better than nothing. (That just popped into my head. I’ve never thought of comparing a letter to a cake before… It must be because I haven’t eaten dinner yet… even though it’s almost 8:30 p.m.!)

So I came up with the basic ingredients for a letter to a child:

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