Posts Tagged: "snacks"

Summer Camp Care Package

I loved going to summer camp as a kid so I wanted my children to have their own experiences of summer camp. One of the differences between theirs and mine, I sent my children a surprise care package.

summer-camp-care-package-thoughtful-gift-ideaEven though I was having lots of fun, I remember being homesick and I was sure my boys were too.

Especially if this is their first time, receiving a care package of their favorite treats and fun games while away at camp, reassures your children they are loved and you are thinking of them. Continue Reading

Houseguest Welcome Basket

I remember being someone’s houseguest and getting a late night snack attack. I’m dying for something to eat but I’m too embarrassed to look through their kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. Not good.


You may have been in a similar situation yourself.

Although someone tells you, “Make yourself at home!” you still feel hesitant to rummage through their food cabinets.

There’s a way to stop the embarrassment of hungry houseguests.

Provide visitors to your home with a Houseguest Welcome Basket containing drinks, snacks and treats!

Even if you tell your houseguests to help themselves to anything in your kitchen, they’ll still appreciate receiving a basket of goodies specifically for them. If you know their favorite snacks and drinks, try to to include them in the gift basket.

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Cheer Someone Up With a Box of Sunshine


Do you know those people who are naturally crafty? They can do things like sew, cook, bake, decorate, paint (probably spin straw into gold too) and everything they create looks like it came straight off the page of a Martha Stewart magazine. They drive me crazy jealous!

Box of Sunshine Get Well Gift IdeaWell, my co-worker Kelly is one of those people. Mucho talented. And she’s always using her talents to bring joy to others – like when she bakes her famous cinnamon rolls and brings them to the office.

Kelly shared with me that when she has friends or family who are sick, hospitalized, homebound, in physical rehab or dealing with chemotherapy, she makes them a Box of Sunshine. Then she fills it with everything YELLOW!

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Automatic Snack & Treat Dispenser


I love magic! Who doesn’t? With a wave of the hand – out pops a snack!

When I saw the SnackMan Motion-Activated Dispenser that makes healthy munching easy-peasy, I knew it would be the right gift for my husband’s sister and hersnackman-dispenser-sunburst-gifts-thoughtful-gift-idea spouse for Christmas.

They always try to eat healthy and this fun gadget creates a smart way to have portion control. The SnackMan Motion-Activated Dispenser features three settings: Small Handful, Large Handful or Bowlful. Once set, the same perfect portion is dispensed every time.

It looks like magic because with a simple wave of the hand, out pours your tasty snack treat. Continue Reading

Happy Birthday to Me!


I love my birthdays. Always have. I really never worried about turning a year older. Well… maybe once. When I turned from 16 to 17 years old. I would never again be 16 and never been kissed!

My mother made sure my brothers and I had a birthday cake, a gift, and that we always celebrated birthdays together as a family. We had very few birthday parties where we invited our friends. I’m not sure why other than it was kind of the norm back then.Sweet-16-thoughtful-gift-idea

As I got older, I would celebrate with friends and co-workers by going out to dinner, a movie or even dancing.

Now I celebrate birthdays for an entire week!

It happened quite by accident. During a week of my birthday, my best friend from grade school who lives in Texas mailed a birthday package to my office. She was not the only one. A friend from Albuquerque also sent a package. One of my dear friends who I work with presented me with a gift. You see a pattern here? My mother showed up with a gift on another day and on the last day of the week, my actual birthday, my husband took me to lunch.

Thus, the Birthday Week was born!

The following year I declared Birthday Week and for that thoughtful twist, instead of receiving gifts I give gifts to my co-workers. No gifts for me! Period! Because my co-workers thought it was weird not to give birthday gifts, I relented by saying, “OK… you can get me a birthday card.” Continue Reading