Posts Tagged: "stuffed animal"

Talking Hamster Repeats What You Say

A talking hamster that repeats everything you say? Yes! I couldn’t believe how amazing this little soft plush toy worked!

talking-hamster-repeats-what-you-say-thoughtful-gift-ideaI was searching for a birthday gift for Princess Diana’s two-year old son Axl. He has a five-year old brother, Aiden, who shares his toys so my mission was to find something totally new and different.

Talking Hamster Mimics Any Language

I found it! This hamster’s talk back function allows it to mimic everything you say in ANY language no matter if you talk, sing, laugh, grunt, babble, or scream.

When I say everything, I mean everything!

The electronic hamster will even repeat a cat’s meow, a dog’s bark or a squeak of a chair. Continue Reading

Valentine’s Day Musical Stuffed Animals

When we think of Valentine’s Day, we immediately think of romantic relationships. A close second are Valentine gifts for kids!

stuffed-animal-musical-little-lionheart-hallmark-thoughtful-gift-ideaCute plush stuffed animals are loved by everyone especially if they are interactive and musical.

I needed some birthday cards and stopped at a Hallmark store. As I walked in, I instantly was greeted by the Little Lionheart and Sweet Swingin’ Elephant musical stuffed animals.

My heart melted. What a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a loveable plush toy animal that sings and dances.

I had to have them even though I do not have grandchildren…yet. In my defense, I do know a lot of little ones. Continue Reading

Cookie Monster in a Cookie Jar

My niece loves stuffed animals that sing, talk or play music and I wanted to give her fancy chocolate chip cookies for her birthday. Hmmm? How to combine the two as a gift?

Cookie-Monster-in-cookie-jar-thoughtful-gift-ideaWho likes chocolate chip cookies more than anyone else? Cookie Monster, of course! “Me want cookie!”, “Me eat cookie!”, and “Om nom nom nom” said the Cookie Monster through a mouth full of cookies.

I found the perfect Cookie Monster stuffed animal singing a song by counting from one to 20 cookies. For a thoughtful twist, I purchased a large cookie jar so he would fit inside. Cookie Monster in a Cookie Jar!

We do not want Cookie Monster eating the fancy cookies so I placed the cookies outside the jar. Cute! Huh?

This was the centerpiece for Whitney’s birthday party. It was a hit and everyone loved choosing their own cookie.

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Record Your Own Read-Along Story Book for Children


One of my favorite books as a child was The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams. After reading it, I hugged my favorite stuffed animal even harder so that it too would become Real.

The Velveteen Rabbit book and a stuffed bunny

Pick your favorite childhood story, record yourself reading it, and give the book and the recording as a gift to a child. Pair it with a matching toy or stuffed animal if you can.

When threads on it started to come loose, I grew excited because I knew I was getting it even closer to the day the nursery magic Fairy would turn it into Real.

The Velveteen Rabbit is a timeless story about the power of love and the bond that forms between a child and his favorite toy. Now that I’m an adult, I’ve realized that it’s also a story about loving someone for who they are and not how they look and about being real to yourself and to others.

I bought a copy of The Velveteen Rabbit for each my sister’s three daughters, J’menii, Jeah and Jozlyn, so I could share this amazing story with them. On the inside page of each of their books, I wrote:

Always be real to yourself and to others because God made you one-of-a-kind. Continue Reading

How to Stuff Gift Objects Inside Balloons | Video Tutorial

- - Catch All

In our post called “Surprise Someone By Hiding Gifts Inside a Balloon,” we shared how balloons can be a very fun way to present someone with a gift.

Enough of our readers wanted to know exactly how we were able to stuff different objects inside balloons that we thought a how-to video would explain it best.

In this video, we show how to stuff cash, a gift card, an iPhone (electronics), a sleeve of golf balls, a stuffed animal, and a frying pan inside regular sized balloons.

If we’re able to stuff these gift items inside regular sized balloons, imagine what gifts would fit inside big balloons! Oh, the possibilities!


Cute Way to Give Earrings

It’s boring to give someone jewelry in those cardboard gift boxes they come in. Plus, it’s super obvious what the gift is when you use wrapping paper.

cute way to give earrings gift ideaSometimes the jewelry doesn’t even come in a box. So what do you do?

You find a cutesy wutesy teddy bear or stuffed animal. Put the earrings through the teddy bear’s ears and BA-DING!

You present a popular gift in a unique way!

Presentation is everything.


A Baby Lamb – Condolence Gift Idea

- - Condolence

My son’s childhood friend passed away just before Thanksgiving. Travis was only 33 years old. The boys were best friends in elementary school when we lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They spent a lot of time together at each other’s homes until we moved to Oklahoma when the boys were eight years old.

Travis’s grandmother, Helen, and I kept in touch these past 25 years. When she called with the news that Travis had passed away, my heart broke. We spoke for a few minutes and hung up. It can be difficult to find just the right words to say when wanting to express your heartfelt sympathy and to give comfort to someone who has experienced death in their family.Baby Lamb Gift Idea

Even standing in front of the sympathy cards section, reading and trying to find the right healing words is not always easy. It just so happened I was in a gift shop and I saw a baby lamb stuffed animal with a cross on its hoof. I immediately knew I had to send it to Travis’s grandmother. In the sympathy card, I explained when she felt the need to hug Travis to hug the baby lamb for comfort.

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