10 New Year’s Gifts for Me, Myself and I

- - Gifts for Me

Have you noticed how New Year’s resolutions have become detested by the majority? Gosh, it’s like social suicide to even bring New Year’s resolutions up in conversation these days!

new-years-resolutions-my-gifts-to-me-thoughtful-gift-ideasI think it’s because the term “New Year’s resolutions” has become associated with the word “failure.” I have an idea of how to get out of that negative mindset! Make your list a New Year’s Gifts to Me!

When you are making your New Year’s Gifts to Me list, think of yourself first and how your list will benefit you when it is accomplished. I’ve taken the top 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions listed in the graphic to the right and added a “thoughtful twist” to frame them in a positive way.

1. More Time with Family & Friends! – My gift to me: I laugh more when I am around people I enjoy, and laughter is the best medicine!

2. Forever Fitness! – My gift to me: When I exercise, I sleep better, I’m more energetic, and I’m more conscious of what I eat because I work hard exercising. I think I’ll try yoga!

3. Lose It! – My gift to me: Health benefits, blood pressure comes down, change in body shape, and clothes fit, look and feel better. My reflection in the mirror will make me smile!

4. Live Life! – My gift to me: Change my hectic schedule by saying “No” to things I really don’t have to do, and saying “Yes” to more things I want to do. Take singing lessons, learn photography, become an artist or whatever my heart desires!

5. Ashtrays are Out of Style! – My gift to me: By quitting smoking, it will improve my health and save hard-earned dollars. That money saved can go towards more worthwhile things like paying off debt, buying a new flat screen TV, or going on a much-needed vacation. Aloha!

6. Debt Free! – My gift to me: Less stress, more freedom, less worry, more savings. Use the attitude “Do I really need it? I don’t think so!”

7. The Bar is Closed! – My gift to me: Peace. Too much alcohol leads to a chaotic life. Seek help if needed. To do so is a life changer!

8. Continuous Improvement – My gift to me: Keep my mind active and mental faculties sharp. Engage in learning new things. Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks?!

9. Clutter Be Gone! – My gift to me: Get organized, simplify and get rid of excess so I can find things! Life is less stressed when I’m not searching for stuff – like the keys to the car!

10. Help Others! – My gift to me: Give and you will receive. You will be given much. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you. Luke 6:38

It’s all perception! Instead of viewing New Year’s resolutions as the need to change bad habits, think of them as an opportunity to bless yourself. What the mind thinks, the body follows. To receive the gifts of a happy, healthy life with a rainy day fund in the bank, set your mind to it!

It’s a conscientious decision to choose the path we want to go and realize our achievements.


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