Fancy Flip Flops a Mother’s Day Gift

I have too many Fancy Flip Flops SAID NO ONE EVER! Or at least that’s what my sweet sister-in-law, Nancy, would say.

fancy-flip-flops-for-mothers-day-thoughtful-gift-ideaA few years ago for a Mother’s Day gift, I gave her fancy flip flops with rhinestones. Then again a couple of months later another pair for her birthday.

At the end of the summer, Hallmark had a sale on colorful flip flops so I purchased two more pair just to surprise her! There’s a reason they call her Fancy Nancy! She loves to dress “Jazzy”.

Even though I knew it was the same type of gift over and over again, I also knew without a doubt how much she would enjoy wearing them.

Fancy flip flops are easy to find especially during spring and summer in local gift shops. Even my hair stylist’s gift shop sells them. You can also check out websites such as Perfectly, and Zappos.

There are so many beautiful and fun styles to choose from, you will be able to find a pair that matches anyone’s personality.

I’ve purchased flip flops that glitter, sparkle, and have creative designs that are over-the-top-cute!

For a thoughtful twist, pair the flip flops with a pedicure. They will love having pretty toes while wearing their fancy flip flops.

So remember if your mother, girlfriend, sister, or sister-in-law loves the same type of gift over and over again, use it to your advantage and give the gift you know they will love!

If you are looking for a new favorite gift for Mother’s Day or any other occasion, try Fancy Flip Flops. Because of Nancy, I’ve even started wearing them too! They do make your heart smile!

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world – Marilyn Monroe
















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