Keep It Simple | Office Birthday Gift Ideas

I work in an office of nearly 100 employees and someone is having a birthday just about every other day.

Birthdays are listed on a monthly employee calendar which make it easy to send a birthday wish by email. But there are times when you want to recognize a co-worker’s birthday with a birthday gift.

keep-it-simple-co-worker-birthday-gift-thoughtful-gift-ideaEven though there are five different departments at my place of employment, we all work together from time to time and get to know one another’s likes and dislikes.

Favorite Cereals

This year, Jody came up with a great idea for Tiffany’s birthday. Tiff LOVES cereal and eats four bowls a day!

On the way to work the morning of Tiffany’s birthday, Jody picked up two boxes of Tiff’s favorite cereals, Froot Loops and Frosted Krispies, with a half-gallon of milk.

Jody tied it all together with a ribbon and when Tiff saw the gift sitting on her desk, she was thrilled!

I would not have thought of cereal but the thoughtful gift got me thinking of a few simple but thoughtful gift ideas for acknowledging a co-worker’s birthday.

Small gifts let them know you’re thinking about them on their special day!

  • Favorite candy bar
  • Favorite pop
  • Favorite chips or snack
  • Favorite fountain or icy drink
  • Gift card to favorite drink stop or fast food restaurant
  • Favorite cup of coffee (Mine is cappuccino from 7-11!)
  • Favorite ice cream or frozen treat (I was surprised with a banana split and hadn’t had one in years. It was soooo good!)
  • Favorite dessert
  • Lotto or scratch-off tickets
  • Scented hand lotions or body sprays

All of these gifts are easy peasy to pick up on the way to work, during lunch, or to purchase out of the vending machine.

Even if you don’t know a co-worker extremely well, you’ve probably noticed what they like to drink or eat. If you don’t know, you can ask around or sneak the question into a casual conversation. It means a lot when co-workers find a way to celebrate each other’s birthdays with a simple thoughtful gift.

Birthday Special – 20% off your actual age if I’m asked how old you are! – Anonymous

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