Reusable DIY Buffet Food Table Signs

Our friends Vernon and Katie hosted a Housewarming/Super Bowl Party. Like me, Katie loves to cook and entertain and the invitation said she was providing all of the food for the party and everyone just needed to BYOB. I wanted to give them a housewarming gift that was food related, maybe even something they could use at the party.

reusable DIY homemade buffet food table signs housewarming hostess gift idea I remembered I had come across a blog that showed how to make your own reusable DIY buffet food table signs. I was going to make them for my next get-together but hadn’t gotten around to it just yet.

I realized they would make the perfect housewarming gift! Think about it – whenever you have a bunch of food spread out on a table, it’s inevitable people are going to ask questions about what’s what.

“What’s in this bowl?
“Is this salsa hot or mild?
“What’s this dip called?”
“What type of cheese it this?”

So by setting out buffet food table signs, you’re telling people up front what’s what and eliminating having to answer a bunch of questions over and over. Plus, if they’re cute signs you’re just adding to your table decor!

reusable DIY homemade buffet food table signs housewarming hostess gift ideaHere’s all you need:
– white tile countertop edging from your local hardware store
– stickers (flat or 3D)
– dry-erase marker

Place the stickers of your choice on the white tile countertop edging and use the dry-erase marker to write on them. Easy peasy! (That’s so my favorite new phrase. I say it all the time now ever since I saw that YouTube video called “How to Fight a Baby.”

What I love about this gift is you can easily switch out the stickers for different themed parties if you wanted to.

For Katie, I chose stickers with a classy design made with black rhinestones. She’s a classy girl, and I figured black and white would mix and match with a lot of her things!

Cooking for people is an enormously significant expression of generosity and soulfulness, and entertaining is a way to be both generous and creative.  – Ted Allen

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