How to Buy Your Wife Gifts That Won’t Get Returned
Queen Darlene and I have a co-worker who follows our blog. He sent us an email one day after one of our gift ideas reminded him of a gift-giving strategy that has served him well as a husband.
Eldon’s idea of how to buy your wife clothing, jewelry, accessories or other gifts that won’t get returned is so good that we wanted to share it with our readers! Here is what he wrote to us:
I tried to buy clothing gifts for my wife. She returned them all because they were the wrong color, etc. So, I got wise and would find a cute photo of a dress, purse, shoes, earrings, etc. that I wanted to buy – usually if I listened closely I could pick up the hint of what she wanted.
I would search through magazines or the newspaper ads and find a good photo – cut it out – attach to a card with the appropriate money with a note that said, “Happy Shopping!”
No more returns!
What a wonderful solution to preventing the hurt feelings that come with purchasing a gift only to have someone return it. Or receiving a gift and feeling bad because it’s just not your style or taste. (Aaawkward!)
It’s also better than giving someone just a gift card or just cash because it requires listening for what item they really want or need. It’s thoughtful and foolproof. Thanks for sharing Eldon!
Of course, this gift-giving strategy can also be used for husbands who also have specific tastes in clothes, shoes, power tools, you name it!
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. – Marcelene Cox
Ashley Cambell
Love it, thanks for sharing!
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