Posts Tagged: "work"

April Fools’ Day Pranks

April Fools’ Day is so much fun and it doesn’t matter whether you are in on the prank or the recipient of the joke!

I remember my very first office prank in the 1970s. I left a message for my boss to call Mr. Lyon. Secretly, the number was to the Oklahoma City Zoo.

When my boss called the number, he heard a recording of Mr. Lyon saying “April Fools!” We both got a kick out of it but by today’s standards seems kind of lame.

Today’s pranks are so much more elaborate.

For example, completely aluminum foil an entire office–the desk, computer, keyboard, phone, calculator, pictures, chair, bookcase, pens, pencils, everything! Or cover an entire car with sticky notes!

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Thumbprint Family Tree Retirement Gift

For many of us, a large portion of our days is spent at work. Research shows the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime.

thumbprint-family-tree-retirement-thoughtful-giftSo the people you work with do become family.

When Eldon, our organization’s CFO, decided to retire after 28 years, his work family wanted to find a special gift for him to remember us by.

Work Family Tree | Unique & Memorable Retirement Gift

I found a birch tree on Etsy that was perfect for for the addition of thumb or finger prints of each employee. This is an office gift that allows everyone to participate.

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Welcome Gifts for New Boss

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I have a new boss for the first time in 20 years!

Deborah has worked at our agency for 34 years, and when our previous executive director announced he was retiring, she applied and was selected.

welcome-gift-lotion-for-new-boss-thoughtful-gift-ideaWe are so fortunate to have a new leader that is someone we already know and love!

First Day as Executive Director

Our Administration Team planned something fun and special for her first day to welcome her and show our support. We came up with several gifts and paired them with creative sayings.

Gift #1 – Lotion
Don’t worry if it’s extremely rough & bumpy, your Admin Team will help with a smooth transition!

Gift #2 – House Slippers
The Admin Team is like these slippers, we are your fiercest supporters! Welcome to the Team!

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Gift to Celebrate First Day at New Job

Starting a brand new job is an exciting time in someone’s life and a cause for celebration!


My husband was not only starting a new job, but he was also starting his first job in his new career. This was a big achievement and I wanted to mark the occasion with a gift.

Thoughtful New Job Gift

That first day of a new job is always a mix of excitement, anticipation, and nervousness. Kind of like the emotions we all had on our first day of school. I wanted my gift to prepare him to start his first day on the job and give him something to look forward to at the end of the day.

I bought a gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts just around the corner from our house and a bottle of his favorite liquor.

The morning he started his new job, I put the gifts on the kitchen counter along with this note for him to find.

Coffee to start your first day at your new job,
A drink at the end of the day to celebrate!

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Celebrate National Hug Your Boss Day

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Even if you like your boss, the thought of physically hugging them might make you cringe. Your boss may not want you hugging them either.


Let me take the awkwardness out of National Hug Your Boss Day that takes place in September each year.

Instead of giving real hugs, give your boss or supervisor Hershey’s Hugs with a handwritten note or card. If you appreciate that your boss makes coming to work enjoyable, you should let him or her know. Make sure to give specifics on reasons why you’re glad to have that person as your boss.

Does your boss trust you to get the work done instead of micro-managing? Does your boss share information openly and candidly? Does your boss take time to appreciate you as a person instead of just an employee? Is your boss supportive of work-life balance?

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Balloon Room Surprise

Balloons turn adults into little kids again, especially when they appear in an unexpected place like the office!

balloon-room-surprise-prank-giftTurning someone’s work space, whether it’s their office or cubicle, into a playroom of colorful balloons is a great way to surprise someone for their birthday, work anniversary, or to congratulate them on an achievement.

Giving someone a Balloon Room Surprise could mean blowing up enough balloons to cover their floor and their desk, or it could mean filling the entire room with balloons all the way to the ceiling!

For a thoughtful twist to the Balloon Room Surprise, hide a gift among the balloons for them to find!

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Celebrate With Sparkling Juice & Mocktails

There are many opportunities for celebrating at work. Just because you can’t consume alcohol or champagne at the office shouldn’t prevent you from toasting someone’s good news.

celebrate-sparkling-juice-mocktails-giftMy co-worker, RaShonda, recently received a job promotion and became a grandmother for the first time. Two big reasons to celebrate!

To congratulate her on her two brand-new titles, Personnel Assistant and Gigi (her nickname for grandma), I decided to bring some treats to the office.

I brought a bottle of sparkling white grape juice cocktail, a bottle of sparkling Mango Bellini mocktail, and some white chocolate covered pretzels.

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Thoughtful Business Appreciation Gift – Calendar

- - Business, Host, Thank You

Appreciation. The dictionary defines appreciation as gratitude and thankful recognition. Recently my boss was selected to be on a national executive committee and yet I was the one being recognized. What a wonderful surprise when an envelope arrived at the office for ME! It truly made my day!

My counterpart in the national organization in Washington, D.C. sent me a lovely See America and our National Parks calendar as an appreciation gift.

In all of my working years, I have never received a gift from an organization that my boss served on so this was quite a memorable surprise. The note was very thoughtful too!

Just a token in advance of my appreciation for our work together in the coming year with Dennis on NCSHA’s Executive Committee.


A thoughtful business appreciation gift for work I had yet to do. Now, that is unique!

This is going to be one of those “pass it forward” ideas to use not only within my own work place, but with others who work in other organizations when I want to show my appreciation for their help – whether in advance or afterwards!

Thank you, Cary! Your thoughtful, heartful gift of appreciation is the best!

We must stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.  – John F. Kennedy