Best Back to School Teacher Gift

- - Teacher Gifts

It’s a very nice gesture to give a teacher a small gift at the beginning of the year. This gift idea is my favorite because it includes a thoughtful twist!

best-back-to-school-teacher-gift-thoughtfulEdible gifts always make a great gift because they can be consumed and shared with others. With that said, this gift comes with a food item.

More importantly, it’s paired with a note in the form of an offer… an offer to help. Teachers always have so many things on their plate so they love it when parents help in the classroom.

With this teacher gift, your child’s teacher will be so excited to know he or she can call on you for help when needed.

It’s  a win-win! The more help they receive, the more time teachers can focus on their students, including your child.

Best Teacher Gift Ever

Bake or purchase some chocolate chip cookies and place them in a pretty container. Or buy a bag of chips. Attach a note that reads:

Let me know when you need me to “chip” in and help!

Include your name, phone number and email address at the very bottom. Easy peasy but awesome, right?

Download a free printable containing both colorful notes seen in the picture above. They have space at the bottom for you to add your name, phone and email address.

Another Version of This Thoughtful Gift

With a bag of popcorn (I love this healthy version of popcorn!), attach a note that reads:

Let me know when you need me to “pop” in and help!

Include your name, phone number and email address at the very bottom.

I call this “the best teacher gift” because you’re not only giving a snack they’ll enjoy, but you’re also giving your time… which is more appreciated by a teacher.

Teaching is a work of heart.

Even more thoughtful teacher gifts!

A big thanks to the 3amteacher for free use of the background graphic!

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