Just What the Dr. Ordered – Money!

I love to give money in unexpected gift containers and a prescription bottle certainly makes for a surprise dose. This is one of the easiest gifts to make.


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  • Prescription bottle
  • Large mailing label or paper and clear packing tape
  • Cash – bills or quarters

Just for the asking, my pharmacy provided me with a new prescription bottle free of charge.

To give you a couple of ideas, I created two different labels. One on a sticky mailing label and one on plain typing paper.

I found a large mailing label fits nicely on the large prescription bottle. For the smaller prescription bottle, I cut plain paper to fit and used clear packing tape to adhere it to the bottle.

prescription-money-quarters-for-all-occasions-thoughtful-gift-ideaI created a label that says:

RX Prescription: Just what the Dr. ordered!

Directions: Take amount needed!

Quantity: 50 

1 Refill

Prescribed by: Queen Darlene

Create your label for the amount of cash or quarters you want to give. Remember the number of refills is important. If it were me, I would return to have it filled as many times as allowed!

For example, I placed a $50 bill in the large bottle and 40 quarters that equaled $10 in the smaller bottle.

The “Just What the Dr. Ordered” money prescription bottle gift is a unique way to give money for anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas and graduations.

Giving a prescription bottle filled with cash will definitely help the “patient” feel better and there are no side affects!

There Are 7 Comments On This Article.

  1. Lisa kallberg

    What a clever idea!
    Do you sell the labels? If so, I would love to purchase a bunch!!!

  2. Thank you for your comment. We only share gift ideas and do not sell any products. Anyone who is savvy with the computer can create it. The labels were made in Word using Avery labels.

  3. I love your idea!!! Could you please email me the label? I’m not able to create such a wonderful label on my own. I would really appreciate it. Please share it.

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