Posts Tagged: "cash"

Easy Peasy Money Tree Topiary

I like DIY crafts only if the’re easy peasy. So if you’re like me, you’ll love this easy and creative way to give cash as a gift – the money tree topiary!

money-tree-topiary-cash-giftIt’s beautiful, decorative and memorable. Also, unlike a lot of other money gifts, the money tree topiary doesn’t require you to fold or roll any bills. If you can pinch and pin, you can create this DIY money gift in no time!


  • dowel rod (I cut the one I bought down to 14 inches)
  • small pot
  • foam ball (I used a 5 inch ball)
  • foam that fits snugly inside pot (I used floral foam)
  • greening pins also called floral pins (They are U-shaped)
  • burlap ribbon for the base (You can also use moss, decorative stones or decorative rocks)
  • colored ribbon for the dowel rod

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M&Ms Money Jar

Did you know M&Ms go with anyone’s diet? It’s true when money is hidden within the M&Ms!

M&Ms-money-jar-thoughtful-gift-ideaGiving money in a creative way and as a surprise will always make the gift memorable. If it’s impressive and simple, many times the recipient will use the gift idea for someone else!

You’ve heard that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” I love hearing that someone copied one of our gift ideas. That’s Sunburst Gifts at its finest!

I’m hoping the M&Ms Money Jar becomes a gift people will use over and over again.

Items you will need for this money gift:

  • M&Ms
  • A canning jar with lid
  • Toilet paper roll
  • Cash
  • Wrapping paper

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Money Bag | Two Gifts in One

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “Money Bags?” Someone with lots of money, right?  Well… here’s a gift idea for a Money Bag (singular) that will fit anyone’s budget.

This gift is a “twofer” as my husband would say.

money-bag-thoughtful-gift-ideaPurchase a purse with lots of pockets and zippers. (For the guys, use a backpack.)

The more pockets and zippers to hide cash and coins, the more fun and surprised the recipient will be. You can either insert the bills so they are hidden or visible the moment they open their gift.

Fill the middle part of the purse with as many crumpled dollar bills needed to make it look full. Of course, the amount of cash is up to you. (When using a backpack, you may want to just fill the outer compartments with cash to make those look full.)

There you have it! A Money Bag full of money! Two gifts in one!

A beautiful purse or cool backpack and some spending cash is a memorable gift for birthdays, Christmas, graduations or Mother’s Day.

In suggesting gifts: Money is appropriate, and one size fits all. – William Randolph Hearst

“Here’s Some Dough!” Pizza Box Money Gift

College students and pizza go together like movies and popcorn. Sing with me now. “This I tell you brother. You can’t have one without the other.”


Click to enlarge

What factors have caused this magnetic match?

#1 – It tastes amazing. Even plain cheese pizza is heavenly, and it just gets better from there. Pepperoni. Supreme. Meat Lovers.  Oh, sweet Jesus!

#2 – It’s dirt cheap and sometimes free. I remember getting so much free pizza in college because most student organizations used it to lure people to their meetings.

#3 – It’s the ultimate convenience food. No plates or utensils necessary. Napkins optional.

#4 – It can be delivered. Just think of all the times pizza deliveries have saved college students from starvation when they’re either too drunk, too lazy, or don’t have a car to get food.

#5 – It even tastes good cold. Pizza for breakfast, anyone?

But no matter how much college students love their warm, gooey pizza, they can’t survive without cold, hard cash.

Money is by far the #1 request for gifts by graduates so give it to them. College is expensive! Ditch the envelope though, and get creative.

Give them a “Here’s some dough!” Pizza Box Money Gift for a present they’ll never forget! It’s easy peasy to put together with a few simple items, and it creates that “WOW!” factor!


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Unique Checkbook Money Gift | Graduation

I’ve mentioned before that the number one gift request for graduation is money. I’ve also talked about how impersonal it feels to write a check or place money in a greeting card.

graduation-check-book-money-thoughtful-gift-ideaThe Checkbook Money Gift is so easy peasy you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it!

You’ll need new one dollar bills from your bank. The amount is up to you.

You’ll also need a checkbook cover. You can use the free checkbook covers from your bank, or purchase one with a style, color or design that fits the graduate’s interest or personality. Instead of a checkbook cover, you can use a wallet with an insert for a checkbook. Continue Reading

Easy Peasy Money Umbrella Surprise

At Sunburst Gifts, we love coming up with creative ways to give money. This time, shower someone with cash with a Money Umbrella!


Money umbrellas are a fun and creative way to give cash gifts.

When they open the umbrella, they’ll be completely surprised by all of the cash that falls out from the inside!

If you give the Money Umbrella gift in person, watching them open the gift and seeing their reaction is half the fun so make sure they open it in front of you. And get your camera or video camera ready!

You can attach a note to the umbrella that says “Open Me” but I prefer say something like,”Open it up so you can see that it’s a lot bigger than it looks. It will really protect you from the rain!”

Yes, little white lies are completely appropriate in these situations.

If you’re mailing the gift or you won’t be there when it’s opened, definitely include a note that says “Open Me.” You don’t want the gift recipient to miss out on their big surprise and, even worse, lose the umbrella and the cash because they had no idea what was inside!

Th Money Umbrella gift idea is so much fun to give and receive, and it’s easy peasy to create!


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Easy Peasy Birthday Money Box


I once found out about a family member’s birthday party the day before. I freaked out at first! What should I get a teenage boy on such short notice??

birthday money box

The birthday money box contains a really long strand of cash.

That’s when I thought of the perfect thoughtful gift idea that anyone can create at the last-minute – a birthday money box.

Money is something every teenager wants, and the birthday money box I could easily create with items I already had at home.

The birthday money box is fun to give and receive because when the gift recipient pulls on the card that says “PULL UP,” they will be surprised with a really long strand of cash that continues to come out as they keep pulling and pulling and pulling!


Here are the items you will need:

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How to Stuff Gift Objects Inside Balloons | Video Tutorial

- - Catch All

In our post called “Surprise Someone By Hiding Gifts Inside a Balloon,” we shared how balloons can be a very fun way to present someone with a gift.

Enough of our readers wanted to know exactly how we were able to stuff different objects inside balloons that we thought a how-to video would explain it best.

In this video, we show how to stuff cash, a gift card, an iPhone (electronics), a sleeve of golf balls, a stuffed animal, and a frying pan inside regular sized balloons.

If we’re able to stuff these gift items inside regular sized balloons, imagine what gifts would fit inside big balloons! Oh, the possibilities!


Unique Money Gift for Graduates

- - Graduation, Money


Face it. Kids want money. Even though most people want to give a memorable gift, many times they end up giving money in a blah graduation card. I’ve come up with a fail proof “you will remember this money gift above all else” high school or college graduation gift.

Purchase the latest issue of Money Magazine which gives advice on how to save, invest and make money. Graduation-Money-Magazine-gift-idea-sunburst-giftsHide multiple crisp dollar bills (or higher!) within the pages. Now roll it up with tissue paper and tie it up with a ribbon like a diploma.

It never fails. When they open it, they say…”oh, thanks”… and this is where your part comes in.

You say something like, “There is a wealth of information in that magazine about how to manage money wisely. Now that you have graduated and you’re an adult, it’s important that you learn this skill.”

They usually say thank you and place the magazine to the side  – without even opening it.

This is when you enthusiastically encourage them to open it and find an article to read. They will oblige but unwillingly. (I have yet to have one person open a page with a dollar bill showing. I have no idea how that happens!)

Graduation-diploma-gift-idea-sunburst-giftsThey usually have to thumb through and when they discover some of the cash money, they’ll quickly flip through page after page to look for more and when they do that’s when you’ve done it! You’ve made them smile really big. (And that’s hard to get teenagers to do you know.)

Then they’ll get smart and go back to the very first page and methodically turn each page looking for more dollar bills until they’ve found them all. This gift is as much fun to give as it is to receive! The only way this gift gets a backseat to any other graduation gift is if the graduate gets keys to a car!

The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.  – Frank Hubbard


How to Buy Your Wife Gifts That Won’t Get Returned

Queen Darlene and I have a co-worker who follows our blog. He sent us an email one day after one of our gift ideas reminded him of a gift-giving strategy that has served him well as a husband.

How to Buy Your Wife Gifts That Won't Get Returned Sunburst GiftsEldon’s idea of how to buy your wife clothing, jewelry, accessories or other gifts that won’t get returned is so good that we wanted to share it with our readers! Here is what he wrote to us:

I tried to buy clothing gifts for my wife. She returned them all  because they were the wrong color, etc. So, I got wise and would find a cute photo of a dress, purse, shoes, earrings, etc. that I wanted to buy – usually if I listened closely I could pick up the hint of what she wanted.

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