Funny Books for Parents With a Sense of Humor

I’m a parent with a twisted sense of humor, and I’m not the only one.

I think it’s actually healthy because I’m able to laugh at things that normally would drive someone crazy!

A sense of humor (twisted or not) will get you through the highlights and pitfalls of parenthood. For example, I have a child in diapers so every day is full of shits and giggles. Literally.

My friend Beth and I bond over our twisted sense of humor. I’m so excited she’s pregnant with her first baby!

When it came time to pick out her baby shower gifts, I knew what book I just had to give her!

Hilarious Books for Parents

It’s called Go the F**k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach and Ricardo Cortés.

Sleep deprivation was one of the hardest things I dealt with as a new mom. When your baby just won’t go to bed, you do start to think, “For the love of God, go the f**k to sleep!”

An excerpt from the book:

The wind whispers soft through the grass, hon.
The field mice, they make not a peep.
It’s been thirty-eight minutes already.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck? Go to sleep.

I love this video of Jennifer Gardner reading the book!

Some other great books for parents with a sense of humor are:

Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare.  – Ed Asner

Do you have suggestions for books you think I should add to this list? Let me know!

Interested in a hilarious GAME to give parents with a sense of humor? KinderPerfect (Cards Against Humanity for Parents) is the perfect gift!

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